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Sermon Podcast

The Life and Death of John Wild

The Life and Death of John Wild

What is Advent?

Advent is the four week season (beginning November 27) of the church year that precedes Christmas. The term “Advent” comes from the Latin adventus, which means "coming." The season proclaims the comings of the Christ—whose birth we prepare to celebrate once again, who comes continually in Word and Spirit, and whose return in final victory we anticipate. Each year Advent calls the community of faith to prepare for these comings; historically, the season was marked by fasts for preparation.

We talk about preparing for Christmas with shopping, decorating, cooking and cleaning, but what about spiritual preparation?

How are you preparing?

Prepare through worship

Join us each week for worship throughout the season. We will be including Advent readings and special music in each service - each song picked with a purpose to reflect the season of Advent.

Prepare with reading the word

Take time each day to learn more about the coming of Christ. Pick up your copy of our Advent Reading Calendar around Munger Place, or download it here

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