Rev Andy Nixon

Love Everyone

October 1, 2023

Series: This is Us

Jonah is one of the most fascinating books of the Bible because its primary focus is how God is the Lord over all of us and God loves all of us. Our own lives, friends, families, acquaintances, colleagues, and even enemies are loved by the Lord. Now, that is not to say God loves everything we do, however, no action anyone undertakes can separate us from the love of God and therein lies the Gospel.

The Extra Mile: This week read Romans 8. The Apostle Paul picks up on this Jonah theme of how everyone is loved by the Lord. There is simply no place we can go where God’s love for us is not present. It is a scandalous promise, and one we need. Give Romans 8 a read and then ask, “Am I willing to love like that?”. See you at Munger :)

Scripture: Jonah 4