Rev Andrew Forrest

To My Son: This is What a Man Is

June 17, 2018

Series: Advice for My Son

This Sunday I’m going to follow-up on last week’s Advice to my Daughter by doing the same thing for my son.

What is a man? What does godly masculinity look like? What should he strive for? How will he know when he has arrived?

It’s hard to define masculinity and not resort to cultural stereotypes (all men like working on engines) or to qualities that also apply to women (men are courageous, etc.). Any definition of masculinity has to be something that can only apply to men as men. Here’s what I think.


Andrew Forrest


Genesis 3:8-12

Matthew 1:18-25

John 3:16

References: Dad Saves Montage:

Thomas Vander Woude’s story:

Father Thomas Vander Woude’s essay: “St. Paul exhorts men to love their wives ‘as Christ loved the Church, handing himself over for her’ (Eph 5:25). How does a husband and father hand himself over to his bride and children? He follows the example of Jesus Christ, who offered himself on the cross for his bride (the Church) and for his children (all of us). Most husbands and fathers will not be required to give up their lives to the point of death. But every husband and father is required to give up his life for his wife and children in daily sacrifice. The small and hidden sacrifices of family life can be challenging but can lead to perfection when practiced over time. In fact, every man whether single, married or consecrated is called to give himself to God and his neighbor. A boy learns this lesson of self-gift in the family, particularly from his father. Even more important than a father’s words to his sons is his example of self-gift to his family and to God. When a father speaks of sacrifice through his actions, a boy learns the essence of manhood.” --from