Message: Jesus points us in two directions. First, we are to love God. Our God is the source of all that is and the one in whom we find our meaning. Second, we are to love our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? Jesus answers this many times with the answer being - everyone. We are called to love our family, friends, neighbors, enemies and ourselves. Embrace it - Jesus asks us to love everyone.
Extra Mile: While it is true we most naturally embrace what we love, it is also true at times that we are challenged to embrace what we do not. Be it hard work, food we do not prefer, or people that rub us the wrong way - we can all think of those characteristics that we were called to embrace that we did not initially like. As Munger enters this ‘Embrace’ series - what is something you have embraced that did not, at least initially, come easily.
Scripture: Luke 10:25-28