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Kids Choir Rehearsal

  • March 26
  • 10:30 - 11:00 am

STARTING FEB 12 | 10:30 - 11 AM | ED BLDG, TOP FLR, RM 9
Calling all future worship leaders or just those with joyful music in their hearts! Starting this Sunday we are inviting all Kinders-5th graders to join our new Kids Choir. Led by Danese Oliff, meets 10:30-11 am in room 9 on the top floor of the Ed Bldg. Mark your calendar for 2/12; 2/19; 2/26 3/5 and 3/26. The next performances are coming up on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

For more information, contact Denisa Odegaard.

If you have any questions about this event please email Denisa Odegaard